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Penal Code

Table of Contents

  • PREAMBLE: Policy and Guidelines
  • TITLE 1. Crimes Against The Person (PC1-01 to PC1-10)
  • TITLE 2. Crimes Against Property And Criminal Profiteering (PC2-01 to PC2-15)
  • TITLE 3. Crimes Against Public Decency (PC3-01 to PC3-07)
  • TITLE 4. Crimes Against Public Justice (PC4-01 to PC4-16)
  • TITLE 5. Crimes Against Public Peace (PC5-01 to PC5-03)
  • TITLE 6. Crimes Against Public Health And Safety (PC6-01 to PC6-09)
  • TITLE 7. Crimes Against State Dependents (PC7-01 to PC7-04)
  • TITLE 8. Vehicular Offenses (PC8-01 to PC8-29)
  • TITLE 9. Control Of Deadly Weapons And Equipment (PC9-01 to PC9-03)
  • TITLE 10. Operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles (PC10-01 to PC10-04)
  • TITLE 11. Operation of Aircraft (PC11-01 to PC11-06)
  • TITLE 12. Operation of Boats (PC12-01 to PC12-03)
  • TITLE 13. Sentencing Enhancements (PC13-01 to PC13-06)
  • TITLE 14. Code Policy and Legal Procedures (PC14-01 to PC14-13)
  • TITLE 15. State Code Violations (PC15-01 to PC15-04)
  • TITLE 16. Correctional Services (PC16-01 to PC16-03)
  • TITLE 17. Wildlife Conservation (PC17-01 to PC17-09)
  • TITLE 18. Amendments (PC18-01 to PC18-03)
  • Sentencing Quick Reference Guide

PREAMBLE: Policy and Guidelines


For the creation of a document that ensures the safety of the people of Sanctum and a fair, well-documented process for the enforcement of criminal penalties in the State of Sanctum as written in its laws and codes. This document is only for use for in-game/in character infractions and does not create a set of rules for use outside of game or outside of character.

Citing the Code

For consistency and to allow ease of understanding, please refer to penal code entries in one of three ways:

  1. With the full title, underlined, prefix first. For example, (1)01. Criminal Threats or (10)01. Drivers Licenses
  2. With the prefix (x)xx. For example, (1)01. or (10)01.
  3. With the shortening code PCX-XX. For example, PC1-01 or PC10-01


  1. A “Person” refers to any living human being or individual.
  2. A “Civilian” refers to any individual who is not an on-duty peace officer or national guardsman.
  3. A “Peace Officer” refers to an individual who is, through a badge, unique identifier, or other internal police protocol, an on-duty officer of the law. Police are expected to maintain appropriate internal policy to distinguish when an officer is on duty, plain clothes, and other states besides a typically uniformed officer.
  4. A “Government employee” refers to any on-duty employee of a city, county, state agency, including but not limited to a Officer, paramedic, lawyer, legislator, judge, states attorney or mayor.
  5. A “Weapon” refers to any object, tool or item, whether or not regulated or manufactured, that a person utilizes to inflict harm, threaten harm, or utilize in lieu of a regulated or manufactured item that, when used as intended, can inflict harm.
  6. A “Highway” is a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. Highway includes street.
  7. A “MDC” refers to the Mobile Database of Criminals, or the official State of Sanctum database system for criminal and personal identification and information.
  8. Specific punishment modifiers shall be defined in Title 10. Sentencing Enhancements.
  9. "Stacking Charges" refers to a suspect committing a specific crime on multiple occasions or during multiple incidents. Each "stacked charge" or "count" of the crime will be added to the criminal's record and includes all related punishments, subject to (10)00 Exceptions.
  10. ((The age, gender, or mental state of your character has no bearing on your location of imprisonment or time of imprisonment.))
  11. ((Nothing in this document should be used for any real world purpose. This document is not an attempt to create real world legal advice.))

Title 1. Crimes Against The Person

(1)01. Criminal Threats

  • A person who communicates to another that they will physically harm or kill such other, placing such other in a reasonable state of fear for their own safety is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who communicates that they will physically harm or kill another person’s close friends or relatives is guilty under this code section.
  • Such communication can be not just verbal, but also in writing or transmitted through other media is guilty under this code section.

Criminal Threats differs from assault in terms of the distance between the acts. Criminal Threats can occur across the street, while assault is up close, within reach of leading to battery.

(1)02. Assault

A person who intentionally puts another in the reasonable belief of imminent physical harm or offensive contact is guilty under this code section.

1. Enhancement for violation against a peace officer.


Assault is defined by distance the threats occur. Someone a few feet away threatening to harm or kill you at any moment is assault. Criminal Threats is less severe as there’s a distance that someone can escape through, or that the perpetrator has more time to reconsider the threat.

Any unwanted physical contact is considered to be battery, however grabbing someone during a threat may be either assault or battery, depending on intention and interpretation.

(1)03. Assault With A Deadly Weapon

A person who attempts to cause or threaten immediate harm to another while using a weapon, tool, or other dangerous item to communicate that threat is guilty under this code section.

1. Enhancement for violation against a peace officer.


Assault With A Deadly Weapon matches the description of Assault, but the perpetrator also has a weapon or tool being used to communicate or facilitate that violence or fear. See Assault for additional notes. Any act of Criminal Threats with a weapon is considered Assault With a Deadly Weapon, but the weapon must be visibly seen for this to count.

(1)04. Battery

A person who uses intentional and unlawful force or violence to cause physical harm to another person is guilty under this code section.


Battery is defined as the moment aggressive physical contact occurs. The first punch or two would be Battery. To keep punching and fighting extensively afterward is Aggravated Battery.

Grabbing someone may be either assault or battery, depending on the circumstances. Discharging bodily fluids onto another without their consent is considered battery.

(1)05. Aggravated Battery

A person who commits battery and serious bodily injury is inflicted on the person is guilty under this code section.

1. Enhancement for violation against a peace officer.


Aggravated Battery is the continued violence or battery against an individual, such as an ongoing fight or brawl, that doesn’t lead to severe bodily harm or life threatening injury.

(1)06. Attempted Murder

A person who takes a direct step towards killing another person and intended to kill that person is guilty under this code section.

(1)07. Manslaughter

  • A person who unintentionally kills another, with or without a quarrel or heat of passion is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who, through a criminal accident or negligence, causes someone's death is guilty under this code section.

Manslaughter is homicide that is not premeditated or proven to have intent or an opportunity to pause and reflect on killing that person. An opportunity to reflect (and therefore possibly change your mind) demonstrates premeditation and is murder. Manslaughter is only charged in the penal code when some sort of criminal negligence or action can be proven. Killing someone while driving drunk is manslaughter.

(1)08. Murder

A person who unlawfully kills another with malice aforethought is guilty under this code section.

  1. Enhancement for violation against a peace officer.

A person who commits murder while engaging in a felony offense that has been proven to be a premeditated act is guilty under this code section.


Murder is defined clearly by a person’s premeditated forethought or plan to commit the murder. Manslaughter happens in a heat of passion, by criminal negligence or accident, or for some other incident that is not expected. The only exception to this is when someone commits a planned felony, such as planning to commit an arson. If someone dies as a result of the premeditated arson, it is no longer manslaughter and instead murder. Murder of an “NPC” will be charged as (1)7.

(1)09. False Imprisonment

A person who intentionally and unlawfully restrained, detained, or confined a person and made the person stay or go somewhere against his or her will is guilty under this code section.

(1)10. Kidnapping

  • A person who forcibly, or by any other means of instilling fear, steals, takes, holds, detains, or arrests any person is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who commits false imprisonment for the purpose of protection of arrest is guilty under this code section.

1.1 Enhancement for violation against a peace officer.


Kidnapping is generally the taking of a person with force or violence. Note the use of the term “arrests” should not be taken to mean that an improper attempt at a citizens arrest is a kidnapping. The taking of a hostage to prevent one's arrest also qualifies as kidnapping regardless of the use of violence.

(1)11. Torture

  • A person who intentionally causes extreme pain and suffering to someone is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who causes pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion, or for any sadistic purpose is guilty under this code section.

(1)12. Domestic Violation

  • When a battery is committed against a spouse, a person with whom the defendant is cohabiting, a person who is the parent of the defendant’s child, former spouse, fiancé, or fiancée, or a person with whom the defendant currently has, or has previously had, a dating or engagement relationship.
  • Any person who willfully inflicts corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon a victim described is guilty of a felony.
  • Penal Code (1)12.1 is a misdemeanor punishable by 12 months in county jail.
  • Penal Code (1)12.2 is a felony punishable by 20 months in prison.

(1)13. Vehicular Manslaughter

  • A person who unintentionally kills another, while operating a motor vehicle is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who, through a criminal accident or negligence, causes someone's death by motor vehicle impact is guilty under this code section.

Manslaughter is homicide that is not premeditated or proven to have intent or an opportunity to pause and reflect on killing that person. An opportunity to reflect (and therefore possibly change your mind) demonstrates premeditation and is murder. Manslaughter is only charged in the penal code when some sort of criminal negligence or action can be proven. Killing someone while driving drunk is manslaughter.

(1)14. Hostage Taking

A person committed (1)09 and endangered that person as a hostage is guilty under this code section.

(1)15. Assault on LEO

A person who attempts to cause or intentionally or knowingly causes bodily injury to any LEO in the performance of duty can be charged with aggravated assault.

(1)16. Assault w/ Deadly Weapon on LEO

Assault with a deadly weapon on a law enforcement officer (LEO) is a criminal offense in which an individual threatens or attempts to cause bodily injury to a law enforcement officer using a weapon capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.

(1)17. Attempted Murder on LEO

Attempted murder on a law enforcement officer (LEO) is a criminal offense in which an individual intends to kill a law enforcement officer but is unsuccessful in carrying out the act.

(1)18. Murder of an LEO

Murder of a law enforcement officer (LEO) is a criminal offense in which an individual intentionally and unlawfully kills a law enforcement officer while the officer is performing official duties or because of their status as a law enforcement officer.

(1)19. Kidnapping of an LEO

Kidnapping of a law enforcement officer (LEO) is a criminal offense in which an individual forcibly or unlawfully seizes, transports, confines, or inveigles a law enforcement officer while they are performing official duties or due to their status as a law enforcement officer.

Title 2.Crimes Against Property And Criminal Profiteering

(2)01. Arson

  • A person who intentionally and maliciously sets fire to or burns any structure, forest land, or property without prior authorization is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who intentionally aids, counsels, or helps facilitate the burning of any structure, forest land, or property without proper authorization is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who, through criminal accident or negligence, causes a fire to burn any structure, forest land, or property is guilty under this code section.

Arson’s criminality is when someone intentionally creates or helps create a fire.

(2)02. Trespassing

  • A person who enters another’s property while it is closed or not in operation without the expressed or written permission to do so is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who enters the restricted area of an open facility or property as defined and clearly marked by the property manager without the expressed or written permission to do so is guilty under this code section.
  • This cannot stack with (2)03. Trespassing within a Restricted Facility.
  • This crime cannot stack with any form of Burglary

Trespassing lacks any intention of committing a crime or other malice aforethought or action. Burglary is a far more severe act of trespassing as it comes with evidence of criminal intent.

If police close down a public space it is trespassing to enter that public space without their authorization. The same applies if a typically public space is temporarily closed.

(2)03. Trespassing within a Restricted Facility

  • A person who, without proper authorization, enters any government owned or managed facility that is secured with the intent of keeping ordinary citizens outside is guilty under this code section.
  • Such facilities include (but are not limited to) correctional institutions, airports, military encampments, federally restricted spaces, restricted areas within police stations, hospitals, and courthouses.
  • This charge cannot stack with (2)02. Trespassing
  • This charge cannot stack with any form of Burglary.

(2)04. Burglary

A person who enters into the locked or restricted property of another without their permission with the intention of committing a crime, typically theft is guilty under this code section.

This crime cannot stack with any form of Trespassing.


Burglary can include homes, apartments, offices, vehicles or any locked space with restricted access. Burglary is also committed irrelevant if any theft or other crime takes place. A less severe act of burglary is trespassing, which would account for instances where there is no intent to commit a crime, no locked door or other physical restriction.

(2)05. Possession Of Criminal Tools

A person who has in their possession the appropriate combination of tools necessary to commit a crime, such as a tension bar along with a screwdriver, shimmy, lockpick, or other appropriate items is guilty under this code section.


It must be demonstrated that the person has a certain combination of these tools or in an appropriate context that would assume their usage in a crime. Having a screwdriver is not punishable alone, but a screwdriver, along with a tension bar, is punishable. This charge can only be charged once regardless of the quantity of tools.

(2)06. Robbery

A person who takes property from the possession of another against their will, by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.

  1. A person who steals cash from a bank by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.
  2. A person who steals cash from an armored truck by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.
  3. A person who steals inventory from a jewelry store by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.
  4. A person who steals inventory from a store by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.
  5. A person who steals property from a home by means of force or fear is guilty under this code section.

*This charge can be stacked with (2)07. Armed Robbery as an enhancement.


Robbery stacks with any Title 1 crimes that are attempted or executed during the Robbery.

(2)07. Armed Robbery

A person who takes property from the possession of another against their will, by means of force facilitated with a weapon is guilty under this code section


Armed Robbery stacks with any Title 1 crimes that are attempted during the robbery. It can stack with Robbery.

(2)08. Petty Theft

  • A person who steals or takes the personal property of another worth $950 or less is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who fails to pay a contract or invoice within a reasonable amount of time for services totaling less than $950 in value is guilty under this code section.

Cannot be stacked with (2)6

(2)09. Grand Theft

  • A person who steals or takes the personal property of another worth more than $950 or a firearm of any value is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who fails to pay a contract or invoice within a reasonable amount of time for services totaling more than $950 in value is guilty under this code section.

(2)10. 2nd Degree Grand Theft Auto

Grand theft auto is a criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking or stealing of a local motor vehicle, typically with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the vehicle.

(2)11. 1st Degree Grand Theft Auto

Grand theft auto is a criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking or stealing of a motor vehicle owned by a Sanctum citizen, typically with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the vehicle.

(2)12. Receiving Stolen Property

A person who buys, receives or possesses any property that has been stolen or that has been obtained in any manner constituting theft or extortion is guilty under this code section.


If an officer can prove that the individual should have known the item was stolen based on outside factors, such as the price or quality, or any sort of common knowledge, then the person can be charged.

(2)13. Extortion

  • A person who intimidates or influences another to provide or hand over properties or services is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who utilizes or threatens their power or authority with demonstrated malice aforethought in order to compel action by another is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who utilizes privileged information to intimidate another for certain property or services is guilty under this code section.

Extortion depends on a person or organization using its authority, power, or influence to intimidate and threaten someone in return for property or services. Property may be demanding money to keep quiet or demanding a certain personal payment to prevent a strike.

Extortion may serve in lieu of corruption depending on the circumstances, or if it involves a private organization.

A union threatening a strike or collective worker action is NOT extortion unless a specific leader or member is being paid to influence union operations.

(2)14. Forgery/Fraud

  • A person who knowingly alters, creates, or uses a written document with the intent to defraud or deceive another is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who knowingly signs a document or agreement, electronic or otherwise, without the consent or authority of whom they are signing for is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who intentionally misrepresents a matter of fact - whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed - that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that such other will act upon it to their disadvantage is guilty under this code section. (Note: See removal of (2)16 for reasoning of this addition).

(2)15. Vandalism

A person that defaces, damages, or destroys property which belongs to another is guilty under this code section.

(2)16. Loitering

  • A person who fails to leave a property when asked to do so by the owner of the property, or agent of the owner is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who enters a property without a lawful purpose or to disrupt the operation of a facility is guilty under this code section.
  • This cannot stack with (2)02. Trespassing or (2)03. Trespassing within a Restricted Facility.
  • This crime cannot stack with any form of Burglary

(2)17. Hit and Run

A person that causes a traffic collision with a vehicle or person and fails to stop afterwards is guilty under this code section.

(2)18. Illegal Gambling

A person that participates in a game of chance that has not been properly licensed and vetted by the state is guilty under this code section.

(2)19. Organizing an Illegal Event

A person or organization that gathers participants for any event that is not licensed through the government or an event that has implicit intent to break state law is guilty under this code section.

(2)20. Participating In An Illegal Event

A person that participates in any event that is not licensed through the government or an event that has implicit intent to break state law is guilty under this code section.

(2)21. Criminal Mischief

  • A person who damages tangible property of another purposely, recklessly, or by negligence in the employment of fire, explosives, or other dangerous means; Or
  • A person who purposely or recklessly tampers with tangible property of another so as to endanger person or property; Or
  • Purposely or recklessly causes another to suffer pecuniary loss by deception or threat is guilty under this code section.
  1. Enhancement against government property

(2)22. Criminal Mischief Against Government Property

Criminal Mischief against government property refers to the intentional or reckless damage, destruction, or vandalism of any property that is owned or controlled by the government or any of its agencies. This can include buildings, vehicles, equipment, or other assets that are used by the government to provide services or perform functions for the public.

(2)23. Terroristic Threat

A person who puts 5 (five) or more persons' lives in danger through various means digitally, verbal or other is guilty under this code section.

Title 3. Crimes Against Public Decency

(3)01. Lewd Or Dissolute Conduct In Public

  • A person who solicits anyone to engage in inappropriate sexual or sexually suggestive conduct in any public place or in any place open to the public or exposed to public view is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who touches his or her private parts in any place open to the public or exposed to public view is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who solicits sexual activity in a public place or any place open to public view is guilty under this code section.

(3)02. Indecent Exposure

  • A person who intentionally exposes their naked body or genitalia on public property or in the public area of a privately owned business is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who intentionally exposes their naked body or genitals to another person without that person's consent is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who intentionally exposes their naked body or genitalia on private property without permission of the property owner is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who engages in sex or other sexual activity in view of a minor is guilty under this code section.

Private parties / reservations in public areas are considered public events that can be restricted and therefore permit naked bodies. It is when it is in a public area or exposed to children that it is indecent exposure.

(3)03. Prostitution

A person who knowingly engages in or offers to engage in a sexual act in exchange for payment or other goods and services is guilty under this code section.


Anyone who cannot be proven to commit prostitution may charged with Indecent Exposure or Lewd or Dissolute Conduct depending on the circumstances.

(3)04. Pandering / Pimping

  • A person who knowingly receive financial support or maintenance from the earnings of someone engaged in prostitution is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who receives or tries to receive compensation for soliciting for a prostitute (that is, finding customers for him/her) is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who procures, encourages, or encourages others to procure another person for the purpose of prostitution is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who forces or encourages another person to remain engaged in prostitution is guilty under this code section.

(3)05. Sexual Battery

  • A person who commits unwanted touching or sexual contact is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who causes battery or similar aggressive physical contact for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse is guilty under this code section.

(3)06. Rape

  • A person who forces another to engage in sexual intercourse is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who performs non consensual sexual intercourse with another is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who performs sexual intercourse with another who is incapacitated, disabled, or unable to give consent is guilty under this code section.

(3)07. Stalking

  • A person who intentionally and maliciously follows or harasses another person who has made it known that they do not consent to such following or harassment is guilty under this code section.
  • A person whose actions cause another person to reasonably fear for their safety, or the safety of their close friends or relatives is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who violates an official restraining order issued by a court is guilty under this code section.

(3)08. Illegal Dumping

It is unlawful to dump or cause to be dumped waste matter in or upon a public or private highway or road, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or in or upon private property into or upon which the public is admitted by easement or license, or upon private property without the consent of the owner, or in or upon a public park or other public property other than property designated or set aside for that purpose by the governing board or body having charge of that property.

Title 4. Crimes Against Public Justice

(4)01. Bribery

  • A person who offers or gives a monetary gift, gratuity, valuable goods, or other reward to a public official, government employee, or peace officer in an attempt to influence their duties or actions is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who gives services or nonmaterial, but valuable actions to a public official, government employee, or peace officer in an attempt to influence their duties or actions is guilty under this code section.

(4)02. Dissuading A Victim

A person who prevents the distribution, completion, answering, or due process of an affidavit or other legal statement is guilty under this code section.

(4)03. False Information To A Government Employee

  • A person who provides false information or details to a peace officer during the course of a criminal investigation or lawful detainment is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who provides knowingly inaccurate data to a government employee investigating in some official capacity is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who presents themselves or their current state of being to a government employee under false pretenses.

(4)04. Filing A False Police Report

A person who reports to any peace officer that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed knowing the report to be false is guilty under this code section.

(4)05. Failure To Identify To A Peace Officer

A person who, while being detained or under arrest by a peace officer, fails to provide a peace officer or other legal authority their name as it appears on an I.D. card or other identifiable information for MDT purposes is guilty under this code section.


Once a subject has been taken to jail for booking they shall provide their character information out of character if they elect to not identify in character.

(4)06. Impersonation Of A Government Employee

  • A person who pretends or implies the role of a government worker as defined in law is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who wears an official or realistic government employee uniform with an official or realistic badge or identification tag except on an official, legally sanctioned movie or production set is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who claims to be a government worker in order to deceive or take advantage of another individual or organization is guilty under this code section.

(4)07. Obstruction Of A Government Employee

  • A person who shows a clear and motivated attempt to prevent a government employee from conducting their duties is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who fails to comply with an officer's lawful orders is guilty under this code section.

A government employee would need to contact a peace officer to get the charge of Obstruction issued.

(4)08. Resisting A Peace Officer

A person who avoids apprehension from an officer by non-vehicular means or resists apprehension by any physical means is guilty under this code section.

This charge does not include the attempt to flee and elude by vehicular means, which is (8)02. Evading a Peace Officer.


Resisting with physical violence can additionally result in assault and/or battery charges.

(4)09. Escape From Custody

A person who has been physically detained or arrested by a peace officer and escapes or attempts to escape from said peace officer’s personal custody is guilty under this code section.

Note: Escaping with physical violence can additionally result in assault and/or battery charges.

(4)10. Escape

Any person arrested, booked, charged, or convicted of any crime who thereafter escapes from a county or city jail, prison, community service, or custody of a Correctional or Parole Officer is guilty under this code section.

(4)11. Prisoner Breakout

  • A person who directly aids or assists an inmate with escaping from the law, including the lawful custody of a peace officer, prisoner transport, parole, community service, or incarceration in a county jail or state prison is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who provides information or insights that subsequently assist an inmate with escaping from the law is guilty under this code section.

(4)12. Violations of Human Trafficking

  • A person who intentionally smuggles non-citizens into the state without proper visas and authorization is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who intentionally restricts another’s liberty with intent for forced labor or sex trafficking, or other forced activities is guilty under this code section.
  • This charge does not stack with (1)10. Kidnapping

(4)13. Misuse Of A Government Hotline

  • A person who uses an emergency government hotline for any purpose other than an emergency situation which involves a life-or-death request for assistance or other purposes dictated by the hotline managers is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who uses any non-emergency or public hotline for purposes irrelevant to that particular government office, department, or agency is guilty under this code section.

A person who performs prank calls, fake calls, or tries to incite mayhem through public government lines is guilty under this code section.

(4)14. Tampering With Evidence

A person who willfully and intentionally destroys or attempts to destroy, creates or attempts to create false evidence, conceal, or alter any evidence that can later potentially be used in a Criminal investigation or court proceeding is guilty under this code section.

Exemption: Law enforcement agencies may liquidate evidence however they see fit, when it is no longer needed for a trial.

(4)15. Introduction Of Contraband

A person who provides contraband to an inmate of a correctional facility, or attempts to enter a facility with contraband within his or her control is guilty under this code section.

Contraband defined: Any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, weapon or communications device.

(4)16. False Arrest

A peace officer, or person pretending to be a peace officer, who, under the pretense of any process or other legal authority, does any of the following, without a regular process or other lawful authority is guilty under this code section:

  1. Arrests any person or detains that person against his or her will.
  2. Seizes or levies upon any property.
  3. Dispossesses any one of any lands or tenements.

Only a patrol supervisor can initiate proceedings against a peace officer who has violated this code. An officer who imprisons or fines a person without proper cause or procedure is subject to imprisonment under this law. (The inclusion of this law does not indicate that it is acceptable for peace officers to ignore procedures. Ignoring procedures may result in OOC consequences.)

4)17. Perjury

A person who willfully tells an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation is guilty under this code section.

4)18. Attempted Commission Of An Offense/Crime As Felony

A person who attempts to commit any crime that would be charged as a felony but was unsuccessful is guilty under this code section.

(4)19. Contempt Of Court

A person who is being disobedient to or disrespectful to a court of law or its officers is guilty under this code section.

(4)20. Failure To Obey Lawful Order

A person who fails to comply with the lawful order of a government employee is guilty under this code section.

NOTE: The order must be legitimate, within policy of the employee’s agency and within the bounds of the employee’s duties.

(4)21. Violation Of A Court Order

A person who fails to comply with the lawful order or verdict of a circuit court is guilty under this code section.

(4)22. Violation Of False Identity

A person who possesses identification that is not their own is guilty under this code section.

  1. Exemption for certified Law Enforcement Officers

A person who distributes, without permission of the court, documents relating to any case without a verdict, or official copies of a government document is guilty under this code section.

Title 5. Crimes Against Public Peace

(5)01. Disturbing The Peace

  • Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight is guilty under this code section.
  • Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise is guilty under this code section.
  • Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction is guilty under this code section.

(5)02. Unlawful Assembly

  • Whenever 4 (four) or more persons, assembled and acting together, make any attempt or advance toward the commission of an act which would be a riot if actually committed
  • Whenever 4 (four) or more persons assemble together to do an unlawful act, or do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner is guilty under this code section.
  • Remaining present at the place of any unlawful assembly, after the same has been lawfully warned to disperse, except public officers and persons assisting them in attempting to disperse the same is guilty under this code section.

(5)03. Incitement To Riot

A person who with the intent to cause a riot does an act or engages in conduct that urges a riot, or urges others to commit acts of force or violence, or the burning or destroying of property, and at a time and place and under circumstances that produce a clear and present and immediate danger of acts of force or violence or the burning or destroying of property is guilty under this code section.

(5)04. Reckless Endangerment

A person who creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to another person is guilty under this code section.

Title 6. Of Crimes Against Public Health And Safety

(6)01. Possession Of A Controlled Substance

A person who possesses any controlled substance, except when the substance has been lawfully prescribed to them by a licensed practitioner of medicine or is legally available without a prescription is guilty under this code section.


A controlled substance is either a prescription medication, narcotic, or any FDA defined Title 1, except marijauana.

(6)02. Possession Of A Controlled Substance With Intent To Sell

A person in possession of a controlled substance or multiple controlled substances in a large quantity (5+). Or is in possession of a controlled substance package individually in separate baggies or bindles is guilty under this code section.

(6)03. Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia

A person who willingly possesses a device or mechanism used exclusively for the processing or consumption of an illegal controlled substance is guilty under this code section.

(6)04. Maintaining A Place For The Purpose Of Distribution

A person who opens or maintains any property for the purpose of unlawfully selling, giving away, storing, or using any controlled substance, firearm, or other illicit device, good, or service is guilty under this code section.

(6)05. Manufacture Of A Controlled Substance

A person who, except as otherwise provided by law, manufactures, compounds, converts, produces, or prepares, either directly or indirectly by chemical or natural extraction, any illegal substance is guilty under this code section.

(6)06. Sale Of A Controlled Substance

A person who sells, offers to sell, transports with the intent to sell, or gives away a controlled substance to another person, regardless of whether or not they possess that controlled substance is guilty under this code section.


Since it’s irrelevant of possession, this charge can indeed stack with whatever the present possession of a drug is on someone if they are in fact also in illegal possession of a controlled substance. This means anyone caught selling a controlled substance is also charged with whatever possession they currently have too.

(6)07. Public Intoxication

  • A person who is found in any public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, toluene, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, controlled substance, or toluene, in a condition that he or she is unable to exercise care for his or her own safety or the safety of others is guilty under this code section.
  • A person by reason of his or her being under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, toluene, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or toluene, interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of any street, sidewalk, or other public way is guilty under this code section.

(6)08. Under The Influence Of A Controlled Substance

A person who uses or is under the influence of a controlled substance or dangerous substance without the proper permits or prescription to use such a substance is guilty under this code section.

(6)09. Detention of Individuals with Severe Mental Health Disorders

When a person, as a result of a mental health disorder, is a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled, a peace officer may, upon probable cause, take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody for a period of up to 60 months for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention, or placement for evaluation and treatment in a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment and approved by the State.

- Penal Code (6)09 is not a criminal offense but rather a protocol for the handling of mental health disorders.


Persons who are held under this code have not committed a crime and are being held for their own well being. Use of this code does not stack with any charge and cannot be used in lieu of a standard punishment for a crime. If a crime has been committed this section is not to be used. This is commonly referred to as a 5150 hold or a baker act hold.

This section is most commonly used after an attempted suicide or a person threatening to commit suicide.

((Application of this section is done by use of the hospital script for 60 months.))

(6)10. Possession of Marijuana

A person who possesses more than 1 ounce of marijuana, except when lawfully prescribed to them by a licensed practitioner of medicine or is legally available without a prescription is guilty under this code section.

Title 7. Crimes Against State Dependents

(7)01. Animal Abuse / Cruelty

  • A person who intentionally maims, mutilates, tortures, wounds, or kills a living animal is guilty under this code section.
  • A person whose neglect maims, mutilates, tortures, wounds, or kills a living animal is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who owns a pet or animal that is not reasonably considered domesticated, safe, or healthy for the animal or the owner, without a proper permit is guilty under this code section.
  • A person who leaves an animal in an unattended vehicle under conditions that endanger the health of well-being of the animal is guilty under this code section.

"Domesticated" refers to animals listed in this list of domesticated and semi-domesticated animals.

(7)02. Sale of Alcohol to a Minor

  1. A person who willfully and knowingly sells alcohol to a minor under the age of 21 is guilty under this code section.

(7)03. Minor Alcohol Violation

A person under the age of 21 who is in possession of products containing alcohol, or appears to be under the influence of alcohol is guilty under this code section.

Title 8. Vehicular Offenses

(8)01. Applicability

  1. This title applies to the operation of any vehicle or bicycle on any road within Sanctum.
  2. This title also applies to pedestrians who are present on any road within Sanctum or any walkway/sidewalk immediately adjacent to a road.
  3. A “road” or “highway” is a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
  4. A “vehicle” is a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. A bicycle is a type a vehicle.
  5. A “motor vehicle” is a vehicle that is not exclusively moved by human power.
  6. For the purposes of codes (8)05 through (8)07, (8)20, and (8)22 through (8)27 boats and aircraft are also motor vehicles.

(8)02. Vehicle Registration

  1. A person shall not drive, move, or leave standing upon a highway, or in an offstreet public parking facility, any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole or pipe dolly, or logging dolly, unless it is registered and the appropriate fees have been paid under this code.
  2. Any motor vehicle which is based in Sanctum or primarily used on Sanctum highways, shall be registered in Sanctum
  • Exception: A motor vehicle properly registered in any state and that has operated in Sanctum for under 90 days need not be registered in Sanctum.
  • Exception: Any motor vehicle properly registered to the federal government.
  1. License plates shall at all times be securely fastened to the rear of the motor vehicle for which they are issued, fastened so as to prevent the plates from swinging, shall be mounted in a position so as to be clearly visible, and so that the characters are upright and display from left to right, and shall be maintained in a condition so as to be clearly legible.
  • Exception: Any motor vehicle properly registered to the state government.
  1. A person who sells a motor vehicle must inform the Department of Motor Vehicles within 24 hours of selling the motor vehicle.
  • (OOC Note: This is not implemented right now)
  1. Proof of registration shall be carried in the motor vehicle for which issued at all times while it is being operated in the State.

(8)03. Drivers Licenses

  • A person may not drive a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles that is not of a type for which the person is licensed.
  • The licensee shall have the valid driver’s license issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times when driving a motor vehicle upon a highway.
  • If a person is under the age of 18 and older than 16 they must have a driver’s permit for six months. A minor must have an adult 21 years or old in the vehicle. A minor can not have anyone under 21 years of age in the vehicle unless accompanied by a parent.

(8)04. Driving Without a License

  1. A person who drives a motor vehicle without a valid license is guilty of a crime under this section.
  2. Any resident of Sanctum must have a driver's license issued by the State of Sanctum.
  • Exception: A person who has been a resident for under 10 days and has a valid driver's license in any state need not have a Sanctum Drivers Licenses.
  • Exception: Any resident operating a motor vehicle properly registered to the federal government who is authorized by the federal government to operate that vehicle.
  • Cannot be charged if the driver has a valid driver’s license but does not possess it at the time of the traffic stop.

(8)05. Driving With A Suspended or Revoked License

No person shall drive a motor vehicle at any time when that person’s driving privileges are suspended or revoked.

    1. Licenses are suspended at 10 points and revoked at 25 points.

(8)06. Accident Reporting Requirements - Property Damage

  • The driver of a motor vehicle who is in any manner involved in an accident originating from the operation of the motor vehicle that has resulted in damage to the property of any one person in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall report the accident to the local law enforcement office as soon as possible
  • Exception: An accident that occurs on the drivers private property that only results in damage to the drivers property, and does not result in bodily injury or death need not be reported.
  1. Every driver involved in the accident shall, unless rendered incapable, exchange with any other driver or property owner involved in the accident and present at the scene, all of the following information:
  • Driver’s name and current residence address, driver’s license number, vehicle identification number, and current residence address of registered owner.
  • Evidence of automobile insurance to include the name and address of the insurance company and the number of the insurance policy.

This section is commonly referred to as Hit and Run.

(8)07. Accident Reporting Requirements - Injury or Death

  • The driver of a motor vehicle who is in any manner involved in an accident originating from the operation of the motor vehicle that has resulted in bodily injury, or in the death of any person shall report the accident to the local law enforcement office as soon as possible
  • Every driver involved in the accident shall, unless rendered incapable, exchange with any other driver or property owner involved in the accident and present at the scene, all of the following information:
  • Driver’s name and current residence address, driver’s license number, vehicle identification number, and current residence address of registered owner.
  • Evidence of automobile insurance to include the name and address of the insurance company and the number of the insurance policy.
  • Drivers charged under this section may not be charged with violations of penal code (8)06 for events arising from the same accident.

This section is commonly referred to as felony Hit and Run.

(8)08. Vehicle Insurance

  • All drivers and all owners of a motor vehicle shall at all times be able to establish valid insurance for the vehicle, and shall at all times carry in the vehicle evidence of vehicle insurance.
  • Whenever a driver involved in an accident described in Section (8)06 fails to provide evidence of vehicle insurance, as required by this section, at the time of the accident, the state shall, suspend the privilege of the driver or owner to drive a motor vehicle, including the driving privilege of a nonresident in this state.

(8)09. Traffic Signals - Responsibility at a Green Signal

  • A driver facing a circular green signal shall proceed straight through or turn right or left or make a U-turn unless a sign prohibits a U-turn. Any driver, including one turning, shall yield the right-of-way to other traffic and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk.
  • A driver facing a green signal shown immediately in front of a lane marked for a left or right turn shall enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by pavement markings or any other movement that is permitted by other indications shown at the same time. A driver permitted to make a left turn may also make a U-turn unless prohibited by a sign. A driver shall yield the right-of-way to other traffic and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk.
  • A pedestrian facing a circular green signal, unless prohibited by sign or otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk, but shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles lawfully within the intersection at the time that signal is first shown.

(8)10. Traffic Signals - Responsibility at a Red Signal

  • A driver facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication to proceed is shown, except as provided in element 2.
  • Except when a sign is in place prohibiting a turn, a driver, after stopping as required by element 1, facing a steady circular red signal, may turn right, or turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street. A driver making that turn shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to any vehicle that has approached or is approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard to the driver, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that vehicle until the driver can proceed with reasonable safety.
    1. Indication to proceed, defined:
      1. When the driver has stopped for at least 2 seconds and no other traffic is present.
      2. When the driver has stopped and the lights on either side are also red.
      3. When the steady circular green signal is illuminated.
  • A driver facing a steady red signal shown immediately in front of a lane marked for a left turn shall not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by the pavement markings, and, unless entering the intersection to make a movement permitted by another signal, shall stop at a clearly marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication permitting movement is shown.
  • Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal a pedestrian facing a steady circular red or red arrow signal shall not enter the roadway.

(8)11. Driving on the Right Side

  • Upon all highways, a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway or to the right of double solid parallel yellow lines, except as follows:
  • Yellow markings do not prohibit a driver from crossing the marking if (1) turning to the left at an intersection or into or out of a driveway or private road, or (2) making a U-turn under the rules governing that turn
  • When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction when such action can be taken without crossing a solid yellow or solid white line
  • Upon a roadway restricted to one-way traffic.
  • When the vehicle is necessarily traveling so slowly as to impede the normal movement of traffic, that portion of the road adjacent to the right edge of the roadway may be utilized temporarily when in a condition permitting safe operation.
  • Whenever a road has been divided into two or more roadways by means of intermittent barriers or by means of a dividing section of not less than two feet in width, either unpaved or delineated by curbs, double-parallel lines, or other markings on the roadway, it is unlawful to do either of the following:
  • To drive any vehicle over, upon, or across the dividing section.
  • To make any left, semicircular, or U-turn with the vehicle on the divided highway, except through an opening in the barrier designated and intended by public authorities for the use of vehicles or through a plainly marked opening in the dividing section.

(8)12. Maintaining Lanes

  • Any vehicle proceeding upon a road at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
  • On a two-lane road where passing is unsafe because of traffic in the opposite direction or other conditions, any vehicle proceeding upon the highway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at that time, behind which five or more vehicles are formed in line, shall turn off the roadway at the nearest place where sufficient area for a safe turnout exists, in order to permit the vehicles following it to proceed.
  • Whenever any roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, the following rules apply
  • A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.
  • Exception: Driving a motorcycle that has only two wheels in contact with the ground, between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including on both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways is permitted.
  • On a two-lane highway, no vehicle shall be driven to the left side of the center of the roadway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless the left side is clearly visible and free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to be completely made without interfering with the safe operation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.

(8)13. Following Distance/Tailgating

  1. The driver of a vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon, and the condition of, the roadway.
  2. No vehicle, except an authorized emergency vehicle, shall follow within 300 feet of any authorized emergency vehicle operating with lights or sirens
  • This section shall not apply to a police or traffic officer when serving as an escort

Violations of Penal Code (8)13 are an infraction punishable by a $234 fine and 1 point on license.

(8)14. Right of Way

  1. The driver of any vehicle approaching an intersection which has official traffic control signals that are inoperative shall stop at the intersection, and may proceed with caution when it is safe to do so.
  2. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.
  3. The driver of any vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from any public or private property, or from an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all traffic, approaching on the highway close enough to constitute an immediate hazard, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that traffic until he or she can proceed with reasonable safety.
  4. A person driving a vehicle on a freeway approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle that is displaying emergency lights or a stationary tow truck that is displaying flashing amber warning lights, shall approach with due caution and, before passing in a lane immediately adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle or tow truck, absent other direction by a peace officer, proceed to do one of the following
  • Make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle or tow truck, with due regard for safety and traffic conditions, if practicable and not prohibited by law.
  • If the maneuver described above would be unsafe or impracticable, slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for existing weather, road, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic conditions.
  1. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.
  2. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
  3. Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard.
  4. Between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices or by police officers, pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place except in a crosswalk.
  5. Pedestrians, bicycles, and other non motorized traffic are not authorized on the following roads:
  • Interstate 1
  • Interstate 2
  • Interstate 4
  • Interstate 5
  • US Route 1
  • US Route 13
  • US Route 15
  • US Route 20
  1. No person may stop a vehicle unnecessarily in a manner that causes the vehicle to block a marked or unmarked crosswalk or sidewalk.
  • The above does not preclude the driver of a vehicle facing a steady circular red light from turning right or turning left from a one-way street onto a one-way street.

Violations of Penal Code (8)14 are an infraction punishable by a $234 fine for vehicular violations and a $194 fine for pedestrian violations.

(8)15. Right of Way - Emergency Vehicles

  1. Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle which is sounding a siren and which has at least one lighted lamp exhibiting blue light, the surrounding traffic shall do the following:
  • The driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to the right-hand edge or curb of the highway, clear of any intersection, and thereupon shall stop and remain stopped until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed.
  1. All pedestrians upon the highway shall proceed to the nearest curb or place of safety and remain there until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed.

Violations of Penal Code (8)15 are an infraction punishable by a $480 fine and 2 points.

(8)16. Turning

  1. Both the approach for a right-hand turn and a right-hand turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway unless roadway markings permit otherwise.
  2. The approach for a left turn shall be made as close as practicable to the left-hand edge of the extreme left-hand lane or portion of the roadway lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of the vehicle and, when turning at an intersection, the left turn shall not be made before entering the intersection. After entering the intersection, the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection in a lane lawfully available to traffic moving in that direction upon the roadway being entered.
  3. No driver shall make a U-turn at an intersection controlled by official traffic control devices except from the far lefthand lane that is lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel from which the turn is commenced.
    1. No driver shall make a U-turn when a sign is clearly posted prohibiting it.
  4. A vehicle that is attempting to change lanes or direction of travel shall first indicate their intention via a turn signal. The signal must flash at least twice before executing the change.

(8)17. Speed Limits

  1. No driver may operate a vehicle at a speed greater than the posted speed limit.

  2. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

  3. When no speed limit is posted the following speed limits apply:

    • 15 mph in any alley way
    • 25 mph on any residential street
    • 45 mph on any single lane city street & dirt roads in the county
    • 50 mph on any double lane + major city street
    • 65 mph on any route outside of the city
    • 80 mph on any state highway, freeway, interstate, or US highway
  4. A driver who fails to show a use of fair judgment in their speed when driving in poor conditions, such as poor weather, or on unpaved, slick, or damaged roads.

  5. No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law.

  6. No person shall bring a vehicle to a complete stop upon a highway so as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic unless the stop is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.

  7. No person may drive any of the following vehicles on a highway at a speed in excess of 55 miles per hour:

    • A motortruck or truck tractor having three or more axles or any motortruck or truck tractor drawing any other vehicle.
    • A vehicle transporting explosives.

Violations of Penal Code (8)17 for speeds up to 99 mph are an infraction punishable by a fine listed in the table below:

Amount over LimitFineNotes
Stop/Unreasonably Slow$234
1-15 mph$3601 point on license
16-25 mph$4801 point on license
26+ mph$8802 points on license
Over 100 mph$1000License suspended for 2 days and vehicle impound.

Violations of Penal Code (8)17 for speeds 125(+) mph, regardless of the speed limit, is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, and or 60 months in county jail with 4 points on license.

(8)18. Stop Signs

  1. The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign or a pavement marking of “STOP” at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop at a limit line, if marked, otherwise before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. If there is no limit line or crosswalk, the driver shall stop at the entrance to the intersecting roadway.
  2. When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time and the intersection is controlled from all directions by stop signs, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on his or her immediate right.

(8)19. Parking

  1. No vehicle may park, with its driver outside the vehicle, in the following ways:
  • In a manner that obstructs a lane of traffic and prevents the flow of traffic.
  • In a manner that completely obstructs an alleyway.
  • In a manner that obstructs a parking lot entrance.
  • Within a marked crosswalk.
  • In a manner that obstructs more than two thirds of a sidewalk or pedestrian path.
  • On any median.
  • Facing opposing traffic.
  • Within 15’ of a fire hydrant
  • Over 50’ from a roadway
  • On any bridges or tunnels.
  • On any state highway or freeway.
  • On railroad tracks or within range of being struck by a railroad car.
  • In the immediate ambulatory parking or bay area of a hospital or clinic.
  • In the immediate vicinity of Rodeo Bank's entrance, including the sidewalk adjacent to the metal barriers.
  • In front of or obstructing a private driveway or an entrance or exit to a private road or path.
  1. No vehicle may park in a manner not permitted by the property owner. Private property may set its own parking rules, so long as they do not obstruct any public roads or sidewalks. Policies may also be set by a property manager authorized by the property owner. State law enforcement agencies may set parking rules for the facilities they maintain.
  2. A person who is sitting in a vehicle, with the engine on or off, in any above location and refuses to move at the request of a peace officer or, if private property, by the property manager is guilty of an infraction under this section.

(8)20. Reckless Driving

  1. A person who demonstrates a willful or blatant disregard for the safety of persons or property while operating a motor vehicle, such as (but not limited to):
  • Driving on a unpopulated sidewalk, pedestrian passageway, or plaza
  • Meandering between lanes of traffic erratically.
  • Demonstrating poor control of the motor vehicle or driving decisions.

(8)21. Motor Vehicle Contest

  1. A person shall not engage in a motor vehicle speed contest on a highway/roadway. As used in this section, a motor vehicle speed contest includes a motor vehicle race against another vehicle, a clock, or other timing device.
  2. A person shall not aid or abet in any motor vehicle speed contest on any highway/roadway.
  3. A person shall not, for the purpose of facilitating or aiding or as an incident to any motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition upon a highway/roadway, in any manner obstruct or place a barricade or obstruction or assist or participate in placing a barricade or obstruction upon any highway/roadway.

(8)22. Throwing Objects

  1. Any person who throws any substance at a vehicle or any occupant thereof is guilty under this code.

When there is intent to harm this charge can be stacked with assault with a deadly weapon.

(8)23. Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

  1. A person who drives a vehicle or operates heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol at or above the legal limit of 0.08 percent BAC
  2. A person who drives a vehicle or operates heavy machinery requiring a commercial driver's license while under the influence of alcohol at or above the legal limit of 0.04 percent BAC
  3. A person who is under the age of 21 and drives a vehicle or operates heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol at or above the legal limit of 0.00 percent BAC
  4. A person who drives a vehicle or operates heavy machinery under the influence of awareness-altering drugs, regardless of whether those drugs are being used under a prescription.

- Penal Code (8)23 is a misdemeanor punishable by 60 months imprisonment, a fine of $100, and license suspension for 30 minutes.

(8)24. Enhanced Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

  1. A person who violates penal code (8)23 and performs one of the acts is guilty under this code:
  • A person who drives a vehicle or operates heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol at or above a limit of 0.15 percent BAV.
  • A person who exceeds the speed limit by 20 mph and violates penal code (8)20.
  • A person who injures or kills another person due to an accident caused while in violation of penal code (8)23.

When a death occurs this charge can be stacked with manslaughter.

(8)25. Alcohol Beverages in Motor Vehicles

  1. No driver shall drink any alcoholic beverage while in a vehicle upon a highway.
  2. No passenger shall drink any alcoholic beverage while in a vehicle upon a highway.
  3. No person shall have in his or her possession on his or her person, while driving a vehicle upon a highway any bottle, can, or other receptacle, containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed.

When the person committing the offense is under 21 years old this charge may be stacked with (7)04 Minor Alcohol Violation

(8)26. Evading A Peace Officer

  1. A person who, while operating a vehicle on land, sea, or in air, or while operating a bicycle, willfully flees or otherwise attempts to elude or avoid a pursuing peace officer who communicates visually or audibly their request to pull over or stop is guilty under this code.
  2. This charge does not include the attempt to flee and elude by foot, which is (4)8. Resisting a Peace Officer.

(8)27. Felony Evading A Peace Officer

  1. A person who violates penal code (8)26 and (8)20 is guilty of an additional offense under this code.

When an injury occurs this charge can be stacked with assault with a deadly weapon

When a death occurs this charge can be stacked with manslaughter.

(8)28. Vehicle Equipment/Unroadworthy Vehicle

  1. All motor vehicles operated on a road shall be equipped with the following operational equipment:

Golf Carts & ATV's are considered motorcycles for the purposes of this section as long as they only operate on roads with speed limits of 25 mph or less. Golf carts may not operate on roads with speed limits over 25 mph.

  • Exception: Law enforcement vehicles
  • 2 Headlights
    • Exception: Motorcycles and golf carts may have only 1 headlight
  • Headlights must be operated during darkness and/or inclement weather
    • High beams may not be used within 500’ of an oncoming vehicle traveling in the opposite direction or within 300’ behind a vehicle traveling in the same direction.
  • 2 Red Taillights
    • Taillights must be operated during darkness and/or inclement weather
  • 2 Red Stop lights
    • Stop lights may be combined with taillights
    • Stop lights must operate with the brake pedal is pressed
  • 4 Turn signals
    • Not required if hand signals are used except for commercial motor vehicles.
  • 1 White backup light
    • Backup lights must operate when the vehicle is moving in reverse
  • Windshield that is clear of any obstructions
    • Exception: Motorcycles
  • 2 Rear view Mirrors, 1 of which must be on the left side of the car in view of the driver
    • Exception: Motorcycles only require 1 rear view mirror
  • Exhaust system must be in use so as to muffle the sound a vehicle emits to a reasonable volume
  • Horn
  • Horns may only be used when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation. Any other use is a violation of this section
  • *Tires as appropriate
    • Tires must be rubber in nature and no metal may contact the road surface.
  • *Fenders/body panels that are at least as wide as the tire thread
    • Exception: Motorcycles
  • Riders of a motorcycle must wear a helmet
    • Exception: Golf Carts
  • *Front and rear bumper
    • Exception: Motorcycle
  • *Brakes
  • All cargo and passengers must be secure and located in a location designed for them.
  1. All vehicles may not be equipped with any of the following equipment:
  • Flashing lights
    • Exception: Emergency vehicles, construction vehicles, utility vehicles, turn signals, and tow trucks
  • *Any blue lights
  • *Any red light visible from the front or side of the vehicle.
  • *Any markings with match emergency vehicles
  • Exception: Emergency vehicles
  • *Sirens
  • Exception: Emergency vehicles
  • * Aftermarket Hydraulic Equipment that changes the height ride of any portion of the car either temporarily or permanently.
  • A vehicle may be equipped with hydraulic equipment as described above, however use of that equipment on a road is a violation of this code.
  • *Armor
  • Except for an approved armored car.
  1. *No vehicle may expel any liquid (except water) or smoke onto the road surface.

If the equipment missing is indicated with a * the vehicle may be impounded at the discretion of the officer. If the equipment missing is indicated with a % the vehicle may be put out of service if it is a commercial motor vehicle


Each piece of equipment missing or not authorized is a violation of this code. For example a car missing a headlight and a tail light would be charged with 2 counts of this offense.

(8)29. Maximum Vehicle Size and Weight

  1. All motor vehicles shall comply with the following size dimensions except as listed in element 2.
  2. A maximum width of 102 inches.
  3. ((A vehicle that fits within 1 lane is presumed to meet this dimension))
  4. A maximum length of 65 feet.
  5. ((Any “standard” combination of truck and trailer is presumed to meet the dimension))
  6. ((Standard means a combination that would normally be seen in the real world such as a semi truck and trailer or a bus))
  7. A maximum weight of 80,000 lbs
  8. ((Any “standard” combination of truck and trailer is presumed to meet this dimension))
  9. ((Standard means a combination that would normally be seen in the real world such as a semi truck and trailer or a bus))
  10. The following vehicles are exempt from this section
  11. A tow vehicle towing a vehicle that is unable to be safely operated to a location where repairs can be made as long as both vehicles would meet the requirements in element 1 if considered separately.
  12. A vehicle for which a permit has been issued by the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement division
  13. The Commercial Vehicle Enforcement division may impose any such requirements to the issuance of a permit pursuant to safety.

(8)30. Neon

  1. It is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon a highway/roadway, which has been modified to display underglow/neon.
  2. A motor vehicle can only display underglow/neon on private property.
  3. Red (facing any direction but the rear) and Blue lights are prohibited.

(8)31. Hydraulics

  1. It is unlawful to operate any passenger vehicle, or commercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds upon a highway/roadway, which has been modified from the original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other than the wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadway than the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.

(8)32. Road Rage

  1. Aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle, which includes rude gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver in an effort to intimidate or release frustration.
  2. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults and collisions that result in serious physical injuries or even death.

(8)33. Littering

  1. It is unlawful to litter or cause to be littered in or upon public or private property. A person, firm, or corporation violating this section is guilty of an infraction.
  2. This section does not restrict a private owner in the use of his or her own property, unless the littering of waste matter on the property creates a public health and safety hazard, a public nuisance, or a fire hazard, as determined by a local health department, local fire department or district providing fire protection services, or the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, in which case this section applies.

(8)34. Unrestrained Person(s) in Vehicle

  1. A person shall not operate a motor vehicle on a highway/roadway unless that person and all passengers 16 years of age or over are properly restrained by a safety belt.
    1. Each person shall have their own safety belt.
  2. A person shall not be a passenger in a motor vehicle on a highway/roadway unless that person is properly restrained by a safety belt. This subdivision does not apply to a passenger in a sleeper berth (ie RV).
  3. A person shall not sit in the back/bed of a motor vehicle (ie pickup truck) on a highway/roadway.

(8)35. Unsafe Speed for Conditions

  1. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway/roadway at a speed greater than is reasonable
  2. or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway/roadway,
  3. and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

(8)36. Public Endangerment

  1. Any person who, under circumstances or conditions likely to produce great bodily harm or death,
  2. willfully causes or permits any person to suffer, or inflicts thereon unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering,
  3. or having the care or custody of any person, willfully causes or permits the person or health of that person to be injured,
  4. or willfully causes or permits that person to be placed in a situation where his or her person or health is endangered.

(8)37. Helmet Law

  1. It is unlawful to operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle upon a public roadway/highway if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet.
  2. It is unlawful to ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, motor-driven cycles, or motorized bicycle upon a public roadway/highway if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet.

(8)38. Bicycle Laws

(If citing for this section, please cite the subsections. ie (8)38.3 or (8).38.4)

  1. Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers.
  2. “Bicycle Ride with Traffic” - Bicyclists must travel on the right side of the roadway in the direction of traffic, except when passing, making a legal left turn, riding on a one-way street, riding on a road that is too narrow, or when the right side of the road is closed due to road construction.
  3. “Bicyclist on Sidewalk” - Bicyclist 18 years old and over shall not ride on a city sidewalk. Bicyclist 17 years old and under may ride on a city sidewalk.
  4. “Bicycles on Highways” - Bicycles (including motorized bicycles) may not be ridden on freeways and expressways.
  5. “Bicycles Brakes” - Bicycles must be equipped with a brake that allows an operator to execute a one-braked-wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
  6. “Bicycle Lights” - At night a white headlight visible from the front must be attached to the bicycle or the bicyclist. At night a red rear-light visible from the back must be attached to the bicycle or the bicyclist.
  7. “Bicyclist Helmet” - Bicyclists and bicycle passengers under age 18 must wear an approved helmet when riding on a bicycle.
  8. “Bicyclist Headphones” - Bicyclists may not wear earplugs in both ears or a headset covering both ears. Hearing aids are allowed
  9. “Bicyclist Cell Phones” - Bicyclists shall not use a handheld cell phone while riding unless using a hands free device.
  10. “Bicyclist vs Pedestrians” - Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within marked crosswalks or within unmarked crosswalks at intersections.
  11. “Bicyclist Parking” - Bicyclists may not leave bicycles on their sides on the sidewalk or park bicycles in a manner which obstructs pedestrians.

(8)39. Impeding Traffic

  1. No person shall drive upon a highway/roadway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation.
  2. No person shall impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic unless necessary for safe operations.

(8)40. Jaywalking

  1. Between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices or by police officers, pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place except in a crosswalk.

(8)41. Unsecured Load

  1. A vehicle shall not be driven or moved on any highway/roadway unless the vehicle is so constructed, covered, or loaded as to prevent any of its contents or load other than clear water from escaping from the vehicle.
  2. A vehicle towing another shall tow it in such a fashion so as to ensure that the towed vehicle stays in the direct path of the towing vehicle by means of a trailer or driver of the towed vehicle.

(8)42. Visible Plate

  1. License plate(s) are issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles for use upon a vehicle, they shall be attached to the vehicle for which they were issued.

(8)43. Unnecessary use of Horn

  1. The driver of a motor vehicle when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation shall give audible warning with his horn.

(8)44. Excessive Music/Sounds

  1. No driver of a vehicle shall operate, or permit the operation of, any sound amplification system which can be heard outside the vehicle from 50 or more feet when the vehicle is being operated upon a highway/roadway, unless that system is being operated to request assistance or warn of a hazardous situation.

(8)45. Failure to Sign Citation

  1. In any case in which a person is arrested for an offense declared to be an infraction or misdemeanor, including a violation of any city or county ordinance, and does not demand to be taken before a magistrate, that person shall, instead of being taken before a magistrate.

(8)46. Window Tint

  1. A person shall not drive any motor vehicle with “Limo or Pure Dark” material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows.
  2. This is a secondary offense. You must have more probable cause other than window tint to enforce this violation.

(8)47. Failure to Yield to Pedestrian

  1. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk
  2. or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection

(8)48. Hands Free Device (Cell Phone)

  1. A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed
  2. and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking,
  3. and is used in that manner while driving.

(8)49. Operating a Vehicle w/ Open Doors

  1. No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of such traffic.
  2. Nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.

(8)50. Slow Down or Move Over for Emergency Vehicles & Roadside Assistance Vehicles

  1. When approaching a stationary vehicle displaying either red, blue or amber lighting motorists must safely change lanes or slow down.
  2. If a driver can not safely change lanes, the drive shall reduce speeds to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
  3. Does not apply to the driver if a center median divides the roadway.

(8)51. Driving on Shoulder/Emergency Lane

  1. No person shall operate a vehicle on the shoulder/emergency lane of any highway/roadway unless directed by a peace officer or emergency personnel.
  2. Exemption(s):
  3. Emergency Vehicles
  4. Roadside Assistance Vehicles

(8)52. Vehicle Operation on Designated State Trails

  1. A person shall not operate a motorized vehicle that is not deemed an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or off-road vehicle (ORV) as defined by Title 8 of the Sanctum Penal Code on any state owned and/or maintained trails.
  2. A state owned and/or maintained trail is defined by the State of Sanctum as a roadway / pathway primarily composed of dirt and/or gravel and whose name contains the word Trail..
  3. Exceptions:
    • A person who owns a private property that is only accessible via a state owned and/or maintained trail and his/her vehicle is capable of navigating such roadways.
    • A person who is renting a property that is only accessible via a state owned and/or maintained trail and his/her vehicle is capable of navigating such roadways.
    • A person who owns or rents a property that would deem them exempt from this law shall maintain proof of such residency / ownership whereas it could be proven to a peace officer that such exempt status exists.
    • Individuals who fall under these exemptions are subject to lawful traffic stops by peace officers with jurisdiction within the vicinity of the stop in efforts to enforce Title 8, Section 52.
  • (OOC Note: Trails are indicated on the most up-to-date map as brown roadways indicating they are dirt and labeled as a trail (e.g. Base Trail). Trails that are gray in color are open to motor vehicles. Additionally, the only location that would allow for exemption from this law via ownership / rental status would be the log cabin located on Ridgeline Loop Trail. All other properties within the area are accessible by other means (e.g. state owned and/or maintained roadways.)

(8)53. Operation of a Vehicle in a State Park

  1. No person may operate a motor vehicle, as defined within 8(01). Applicability, within a national park, wildlife refuge, or wildlife sanctuary.
  2. Such locations will have signage indicating that the area is deemed a national park, wildlife refuge, or wildlife sanctuary by the State of Sanctum or the governing municipality.
  3. Exemptions
  4. The vehicle is operated on a state or municipality maintained roadway and all traffic laws, as defined within Title 8 of the Sanctum Legal Code, are obeyed.
  5. The vehicle is owned and operated by authorized employees of a state agency or municipality and is conducting official duties that requires the vehicle's operation outside of the confines of this title and subsection.
  6. Examples include; operation of a sanitation vehicle with the purpose of removing debris or trash from within the park, operation of a utility vehicle for the maintenance of trails and/or local amenities.
  7. The vehicle is owned and operated by authorized emergency response agencies for duties that are within the confines of their agency’s standard operating procedures.
  8. Examples include; the enforcement of laws by a sworn law-enforcement officer with the power to enforce fish and game laws as defined by Title 17 of the Sanctum Legal Code, the response to an emergency call or summons as an on-duty law-enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical professional.

Title 9. Control Of Deadly Weapons And Equipment

(9)01. Possession Of An Illegal Weapon

  • No person except a government employee or licensed security officer may possess a weapon that would discharge an electric current capable of incapacitating a person.
  • No person except a peace officer may sell, create, or possess any weapon listed below:
  • A bullet containing any explosive agent
  • A concealed explosive substance
  • Metal knuckles
  • Grenades
  • Short barreled shotgun or rifle
  • Any firearm that is not registered
  • Any firearm in a manner that is against any firearms license restrictions that have been issued
  • Switchblades: -Switchblades are defined by any foldable or retractable knife or blade longer than 3 inches which can be opened automatically. Automatically meaning by mechanism, springs, flick of the wrist, gravity, etc; which allows the knife to be opened quickly with one hand.
  • Folding Knives: -Any Knife with a length over 3 inches
  • Misleading Knives: -Any knife or blade that is hidden inside or otherwise disguised as something else is considered a misleading knife. Lipstick knives, pen knives, umbrella handle knives, comb knives, etc are examples of misleading knives.
  • Daggers, Stilettos, Dirks, Ballistic Knives: -These knives and any other weapon that cannot serve as tools, lacking a cutting edge and can only be used for piercing and stabbing.
  • Fixed Blade Knife: -Any fixed blade knife with an overall length of 5”

(9)02. Brandishing A Firearm

  • A person who is pointing, holding, openly carrying or brandishing a firearm, air or gas operated weapon, or object that appears like a firearm without proper toy and prop identification in an attempt to elicit fear or hysteria is guilty under this code.
  • A person holding an object in a manner similar to a firearm who attempts to elicit the same fear or response as brandishing an actual firearm is guilty under this code.

Brandishing explicitly notes that the purpose is to elicit fear or hysteria. A Weapons Discharge violation is irrelevant of the intent to elicit hysteria so the two charges can be stacked if appropriate.

(9)03. Weapons Discharge Violation

  • A person who willfully fires a firearm in a grossly negligent manner which could result in injury or death is guilty under this code.
  • A person who fires at an building, car, aircraft, or camper is guilty under this code.
  • A person committing this offense from a vehicle, whether land, sea, or in air, shall instead be charged with (9)04. Drive-By Shooting.
  • A person who fires a firearm within the city limits, as defined by the local governing municipality and the State of Sanctum, is guilty under this code.

This charge can stack with brandishing a firearm, so you can in fact be charged both. A discharge however is different from brandishing, which requires the perpetrator to be using the brandishing as a way to elicit fear or hysteria.

(9)04. Drive-By Shooting

  1. A person who drives a vehicle, whether on land, sea, or in air, and has a passenger who they knowingly and willingly let discharge a firearm from within the vehicle, and the passenger is not an on-duty peace officer is guilty under this code section.
  2. A person who discharges a weapon in a vehicle, whether on land, sea, or in air, and is not an on-duty peace officer with proper authorization is guilty under this code section.

(9)05. Possession Of A Concealed Or Open Weapon Without State Issued Permit

No person except a peace officer may carry a deadly weapon on their person without possessing a Concealed Weapons Permit issued by the state DOJ. Any person who fails to possess this permit is guilty under this code section.

(9)06. Weapons Caching of Class 1

Any person who fails to register their homemade class 1 firearm with the state is guilty under this section.

(9)07. Weapons Trafficking Of class 1 Firearm

No person except a peace officer, in possession of three (3) or more of the same class 1 firearm is guilty under this section.

(9)08. Weapons Trafficking Of class 2 Firearm

No person except a peace officer, in possession of three (3) or more of the same class 2 firearm is guilty under this section.

(9)09. Possession Of A Firearm By A Felon

Any convicted felon in possession of a firearm is guilty under this section.

This can be stacked with any other weapons charge.

(9)10. Possession Of A Class 1 Firearm

  1. Any person in possession of a class 1 firearm without a state issued permit is guilty under this section.

Class 1 is defined as any weapon that is capable of fully automatic fire.

Class 2 is defined as any weapon that is only capable of semi-automatic fire.

Fully automatic is defined as one trigger pull, more than one bullet.

Semi- automatic is defined as one trigger pull, one cartridge is fired.

Title 10. Operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles

(10)00. Applicability

  1. This section applies to the operation of any vehicle that carries goods, property, or people for hire or any vehicle with a minimum gross weight of 26,001 lbs.
  • Such vehicles are referred to as commercial motor vehicles.
  1. All commercial vehicles must comply with all section of Title 8 except where such code conflicts with a code in this Title in which case this Title is controlling
  2. Codes in this title may only be enforced by certified commercial vehicle inspectors.
  • ((Members and only members of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement sub-division are certified commercial vehicle inspectors.))

(10)01. Commercial Drivers Licenses

  • (10)01. The licensee shall have the valid commercial driver’s license issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times when driving a motor vehicle upon a highway.
  • (10)02. You must have a CDL to operate:
  1. Any single vehicle used to transport cargo or goods - (this would be a large dump truck, box truck, or similar vehicle.)
  2. Any combination vehicle - (this would be a semi truck or tractor-trailer as it is also called.)
  3. A vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver) city or long haul buses.

(10)02. Additional Certificate Requirements

  1. A driver that is operating a commercial motor vehicle must have all of the following in his or her possession in addition to any documents required in any other section:
  • A duty log book
  • Except for trips that remain within 1 county.
  • Medical Certificate
  • Accurate Cargo Manifest/Bill of Lading (for cargo carrying vehicles only)

(10)03. Commercial Motor Vehicle Point System

  1. A Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver shall earn points (As well as a $50 fine per item, unless otherwise noted) on his or her license for violations that occur in a commercial motor vehicle as listed below:
  • Violations of section (8)28 - 2 points for each item except as listed below
  • Inoperable turn signal - 6 points
  • Oil/Grease/Fuel/Radiator Leak - 4 points
  • Inoperable taillight - 1 point
  • Inoperable headlight - 6 points
  • Damaged or discolored windshield - 5 points
  • Damaged/Unsecured or missing DOT Bumper - 5 points
  • Damaged/Missing DOT stickers - 1 point (Fine $50 Per offense)
  • Inoperable/Damaged landing gear and coupling devices(KingPin and Fifth Wheel) - 3 points
  • Flat Tire - 8 points
  • Leaking/Falling Cargo - 7 points
  • Inoperable/Defective brakes - 4 points
  • Failure to secure cargo - 1 point (EXEMPTION: Load was pre-sealed)
  • Missing/Expired Fire Extinguisher - 3 points
  • Violations of section (10)01 or (10)02 - 3 points for each item except as listed below
  • No/Inaccurate cargo manifest - 5 points
  • Over hours logbook and/or falsification of logs - 10 points and punishable by a fine of $1,000.
  • Violations of section (8)17 as listed below
  • 1-9 MPH over limit - 1 point
  • 10-14 MPH over limit - 2 points
  • *15-19 MPH over limit - 4 points
  • *20-24 MPH over limit - 6 points
  • *24+ MPH over limit - 9 points
  • *Violations of code (8)13 - 4 points
  • *Violations of code (8)20 - 6 points
  1. If the violation puts the vehicle out of service all violations from that incident shall be doubled.
  2. If a person obtains 70 points within 15 days his or her commercial driver's license shall be suspended for 7 years.
  • After the suspension the amount of points on the license shall be reduced by 15.
  1. If a person obtains 3 violations marked with an “*” above or listed below in a 15 day period his or her commercial driver's license shall be suspended for 12 hours:
  • Any traffic violation occurring from a fatal accident.(Fine $10,000)
  • Violations of section (8)26 or (8)27.

(10)04. Duty Day Limits

  1. A driver that is operating a commercial motor vehicle must comply with the following duty day requirements:
  • A driver may be on duty no more than 14 hours per 24 hour period
  • A driver may drive for no more than 11 hours per 14 hour duty period
  • A driver must take a 30 minute break every 8 hours
  • A driver must rest (be off duty) for 10 continuous hours per 24 hour period
  1. A driver shall maintain a logbook which indicates the times at which the driver went on duty, off duty, was driving, and took his or her required breaks.
  • Drives will keep records for 7 days including the current day.

(10)05. Commercial Motor Vehicle Oversize/Overweight.

The following infractions are nullified in the event the commercial motor vehicle driver possesses the proper overweight/oversize permit.

  1. Any Combination vehicle shall not weigh more than 80,000 pounds Gross vehicle weight
  2. Any straight truck/box truck shall not weigh more than 40,000 pounds Gross vehicle weight
  3. No cargo is to exceed the limits of the length, width or height(13 feet, 6 inches) of the trailer.

(10)06. Hazardous Material and Passenger Transportation

  1. All vehicles carrying hazardous materials/passengers must come to a complete stop at ALL railroad crossings and have their emergency flashers activated.1
  2. All HAZMAT vehicles/trailers should have the proper placards, one per side and one on each end.3
  3. No HAZMAT vehicle/trailer should be driven through a residential area.(Exemption: Drop off point is located in a residential area)2
  4. No HAZMAT vehicle/trailer should be left unattended. If left unattended for any reason it must be left in a safe location at all times. At no time should a HAZMAT vehicle/trailer be parked on the side of the road.2
  5. No passenger vehicle should be fueling while passengers are aboard.2
  6. No passenger/driver should be smoking while aboard the vehicle(public transportation).3

Title 11. Operation of Aircraft

(11)00. Applicability

  1. This section applies to the operation of any aircraft to include airplanes or helicopters.
  2. Aircraft must comply with all other Titles except those listed below:
  • (8)01 through (8)05
  • (8)08 through (8)18
  • (8)21
  • (8)29
  1. Only certified aircraft inspectors may enforce codes under this title.
  • ((Members and only members of the Port Authority are certified aircraft inspectors.))

(11)01. Pilot Licenses

  1. No person may operate an aircraft without a pilot’s license for the type of aircraft being operated.
  2. No person shall have in his or her possession or otherwise under his or her control more than one pilot’s license.
  3. The licensee shall have the valid pilot’s license issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times when operating an aircraft.

(11)02. Additional Certificate Requirements

  1. A pilot that is operating an aircraft must have all of the following in his or her possession in addition to any documents required in any other section:
  • A duty log book
  • Medical Certificate
  • Accurate Cargo Manifest (for cargo carrying vehicles only)

(11)03. Duty Day Limits

  1. A driver that is operating an aircraft carrying persons or property for hire must comply with the following duty day requirements:
  • A pilot may be on duty no more than 16 hours per 24 hour period
  • A pilot may drive for no more than 8 hours per 16 hour duty period
  • A pilot must rest (be off duty) for 8 continuous hours per 24 hour period
  1. A pilot shall maintain a logbook which indicates the times at which the driver went on duty, off duty, was driving, and took his or her required breaks.
  • Pilots will keep records for 7 days including the current day.

(11)04. Equipment

  1. All equipment and lights on an aircraft must be in working order.

(11)05. Restricted Flight Areas

  1. Aircraft may not operate in any of the following areas:
  • Over Zancudo Military Base
  • Under 500’ over any building structure or person except when required for takeoff and landing
  • Except for law enforcement and medical lifeflight operations.
  • In such a manner to interfere with the flight pattern at any airport
  1. Aircraft may not land on any location not intended for the operation of aircraft except in an emergency.
  • Exceptions:
  • Law enforcement and life flight helicopters.
  • Helicopters landing on private property with the permission of the owner

(11)06. Alcohol Rules

  1. No person may operate an aircraft under the following conditions:
  • Having had alcohol within the last 8 hours
  • With a blood alcohol level over 0.04 percent
  • Under the influence of any drug contrary to safety


This charge is stackable with 8(23) or 8(24) as appropriate.

Title 12. Operation of Marine Vessels

(12)00. Applicability

This section applies to the operation of any vessel, to include jet skis.

Only Certified vessel inspectors may enforce codes under this title.

Members of LAPD Wildlife Conservation Enforcement are certified vessel inspectors(with Coastal certification).

Jet Skis must comply with all other Titles except those listed below:

(8)01 through (8)05 : Does require completing basic boater licensing and safety class.

(8)08 through (8)16




(12)01. Licensing

A person shall not operate any water vessel, without possessing a valid and current boating operators license.

Not including jet skis, they only require a basic vessel safety course.

The licensee shall have in his/her immediate possession at all times, the state issued license while operating the vessel.

A vessel being operated by a person without a valid license may be impounded.

(12)02. Equipment

All lights on the vessel must be in working order

All people on the vessel must have and wear a PFD(Life Jacket)

All vessels must have the following:

Emergency flares and/or a flare gun

A basic first aid kit

Be equipped with a working 2 way radio system

All vessels must be equipped with a fire suppression system

A sprinkler system or fire extinguisher meet this requirements.

(12)03. Speed Limits

  1. Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 15 mph within any harbor or “no wake zone” determined by marker buoys, signs or other indicators.
  2. Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 20 mph with 25 meters of any designated swimming area, public or private.
  3. Vessels may not exceed a maximum speed of 25 mph with 25 meters of any coast or shoreline when not a designated swim area, public or private.

No vessel speed limit on any open open water(excluding (1) and (2) areas).

A vessel is considered operating in an unsafe or “reckless” manor anytime its actions may lead to damage of any property or physical harm or death of other boaters, swimmers, or its own occupants, including the driver.

Violations of Penal Code (12)03-1 through 4 are infractions and punishable as follows below:

First offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) a fine

Second offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) a fine

Third offense (per 1 week ingame cycle) a fine, 3 day(ingame) boaters license suspension

Four+ violations (per 1 week ingame cycle) a fine, 1 week(ingame) license suspension and vessel impounded.

Violations of (12)03-5 is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine, possible boater license revocation/recertification and vessel being impounded.

(12)04. Restricted Areas

Vessels may not operate in any of the following areas:

Within 500’ of Fort Zancudo military base

Within 500’ of Los Santo International airport

Any area marked “Not for entry by boats”

Title 13. Sentencing Enhancements

(13)00. Exception

  • Penal code entries, by default, may be modified by Sentencing Enhancements within Title 13. However, should a penal code entry be the exception to a Sentencing Enhancement or contain an exception within its description, then that exception shall be followed instead of the Sentencing Enhancement policy.
  • For example, (1)08. Murder cannot be charged for an attempt as an entire charge, (1)06. Attempted Murder, exists for that purpose.
  • Penalties are, as stated, stackable for each occurrence. Committing assault against someone multiple times is worthy of a charge for each time, as long as they are separate police incidents, occur at different time, occur to different people, or are charged for each prohibited object that is possessed. Charges can also be stacked for each person they are committed against. Unless an exception exists explicitly.
  • Each stacked charge equals the additional punishment time for that charge. A person who commits two counts of assault will be charged twice the amount of time, so long as it does not violate maximum imprisonment policies.

(13)01. Attempt

  • A person who attempts to commit any crime, but fails or is prevented or intercepted in its perpetration, shall be given the same punishment as if the offense was committed.

(13)02. Conspiracy

  • If two or more persons conspire to commit any crime, to falsely and maliciously to indict another for any crime, or to procure another to be charged or arrested for any crime, they shall be punished by the same punishment as if the offense was committed.

(13)03. Soliciting

  • A person who solicits for the commission or perpetration of any crime shall be punished by the same punishment as if the offense was committed.

(13)04. Weapons Violation

  • A person who fails to store their firearm in a safe manner, so as to allow it to be stolen or misplaced is liable to have their concealed carry permit suspended or revoked depending on the severity of the situation as determined by a court.
  • A person who commits a felony while in possession of a firearm shall have their concealed carry permit revoked and is subject to a search of their home and vehicles for firearms.
  • A person who demonstrates illegal or irresponsible usage of their firearm shall be liable to have their concealed carry permit suspended or revoked depending on the penal code entry of the firearms violation. If no description exists, it shall be up to the court’s discretion.
  • If a person receives two suspensions of their concealed carry permit they shall have their permit revoked immediately upon the second incident.
  • These violation policies also apply, where appropriate, to licenses and permits issued to facilities and organizations.
  • These policies also apply to any current and future concealed carry permits created for purposes determined by the DOJ.

(13)05. Criminal Accomplice Clause

  • A person who acts as an accomplice, aid, adviser, or other supportive role to another person's attempted or successful criminal acts shall receive HALF the punishment allotted to the person who attempted or successful criminal acts.

(13)06. Accessory After the Fact

  • A person who knowingly and willingly helps another person who had successfully committed a criminal act shall receive HALF the punishment issued to the person who committed the criminal act.
  • Examples include harboring a fugitive, helping destroy or distort evidence, withholding information relating to a crime or assisting the person elude or avoid police custody.

(14)01. Involuntary Intoxication

  1. A person found to be involuntarily intoxicated, meaning they were evidently drugged or had their awareness impaired against their will or knowledge, cannot be found guilty of an offense as they did not have the adequate state of mind to do so.

(14)02. Private Defense, Self Defense, Castle Doctrine, And Defense Of Others

  1. A person who has a reasonable belief that they, or another, are in imminent danger of a forcible felony being committed on them or a family member and they believe that imminent force is needed to prevent that danger and use no more force than is necessary to negate that danger shall be absolved of criminal liability in Title 1. Crimes Against the Person. ALL these requirements must be met to be completely absolved of criminal liability.
  2. This also applies in the case of a person who is protecting their home from imminent danger or robbery when on private property.
  3. This defense cannot be applied in cases of gang on gang violence or in other such instances where the party claiming the defense was put at risk of immediate danger by their own involvement with actionable criminality.

(14)03. Necessity

  1. A person who commits an offense out of necessity to protect themselves or others from significant bodily harm or emergency, has no adequate legal alternative, did not create a greater danger through their actions and held an actual and reasonable belief that their action was necessary to prevent harm, will be absolved of criminal liability for the offense deemed to be committed as a necessity to prevent greater harm.
  2. This defense cannot be applied in cases of gang on gang violence or in other such instances where the party claiming the defense was put at risk of immediate danger by their own involvement with actionable criminality.

(14)04. Entrapment

  1. A person who would not have committed an offense if not for the harassment, threats, or coercion to do so by members of law enforcement cannot be found guilty of the offense that they were persuaded to commit.

(14)05. Duress

  1. A person who commits any offense in response to immediate threats to kill from a third party and does so in order to negate those threats cannot be found to have had the required criminal intent with which to be held liable for an offense.
  2. The only exception to this are severe crimes against the person, such as torture, murder, and attempted murder, as it is not justifiable to take or severely harm another life unless in an act of self defense.

(14)06. Suspicion Policy

  1. A peace officer's justifiable suspicion of a person to commit or conspire to commit a crime is sufficient to allow that individual to be detained for questioning for no more than 30 minutes in police or court custody, however they cannot be searched beyond a legal Terry Frisk for the officer’s safety unless probable cause or concurrent evidence emerges.
  2. A person who is at the scene of a crime, riot, or major public disturbance may also be classified under the suspicion policy for temporary detainment.
  3. Violation of this policy, or an act of justifiable suspicion that extends beyond legal bounds, extends beyond Color of Law and is satisfactory for suit.

(14)07. Officer Discretion

  1. Law enforcement officers shall have the authority to use their discretion when issuing infractions or select misdemeanors. This discretion entitles the officer to choose to forego an infraction or misdemeanor penalty based on their personal judgment.
  2. Officers may choose to issue Officer Discretion and forego charging, not issue a fine or other punishment in lieu of the typical punishment.
  3. Officers cannot elect Officer Discretion if the independent victim, property owner, or affected party chooses to press charges on the perpetrator.

(14)08. Good Samaritan Clause

  1. Citizens may perform a legal Citizen’s Arrest when an individual has committed a misdemeanor or greater offense and the citizen wishes to restrain the individual until proper authorities can arrive to support, assist, or assess the situation.
  2. Citizens may, at the request of the government worker, may give their assistance with carrying out official government business, so long as it doesn’t extend beyond the powers, duties, responsibilities, and authorities of that government worker.
  3. Citizens may come to the aid of a government worker who is in duress or incapacitated during official government business to save or protect their life or assist informing official agents.

(14)09. Imprisonment & Punishment Criteria

  1. Only criminal violations that originate from the Sanctum Penal Code may carry a misdemeanor or felony-level punishment with imprisonment in a county or state penitentiary.
  2. All sentences are carried out at the Sanctum State Correctional Facility.
  3. Each bullet number (referred to as an element) in a penal code entry refers to an applicable charge for each entry. Violating any one of the descriptions is a violation of the penal code entry.
  4. So long as no exceptions are stated in the penal code entry, charges can be stacked for additional imprisonment. See (14)00. Exception for details.
  5. ((Persons who roleplay without a sound mind will still, in any case, be arrested and charged for the crime they commit. Technically they’d be delivered to an appropriate institution in-character but are dropped off to the local county or state jail before being sent there. They may and would not be placed with the regular prison population.))

(14)10. Maximum Imprisonment

  1. A person can be imprisoned for life with a charge of 999+ and can have their sentence updated if their time runs out.

(14)11. Wiretapping, CCTV & Videotaping Policy

  1. The State of Sanctum shall have a one-party notification policy for wiretapping without appropriate surveillance warrants and authorizations.
  2. A person who is found to violate these wiretapping laws can be charged with (13)10. Wiretapping Violation
  3. Moles, bugs, and other illegal surveillance falls under wiretapping laws and violations / policies.
  4. Government Employees may be recorded by civilians at all times when conducting their duties in an official capacity or when on-duty.
  5. ((CCTV is considered reasonably accessible to the courts when sourced from inside and around all public facilities, from police dashcams, or when subpoenaed by a private business that claims to have CCTV cameras installed. Public CCTVs cannot be tampered, modified, stolen, or destroyed.))

So long as one party (either person on the phone, in a facility, or other location where a conversation or event is being recorded) is aware of the situation it is considered a legal recording. Property owners always have full surveillance rights to their property and facilities, parking lots, etc. they maintain.

(14)12. Police Exigency & Hot Pursuit Policy

  1. Peace officers have the authority to follow suspects into private property if directly related to an ongoing pursuit. Entry related to investigations or other projects not in a direct pursuit of a suspect require a warrant.
  2. Peace officers have the authority to enter the public area of a private facility, such as the public area of a club or restaurant, at all times the facility is open to the public. Private areas of the facility require permission of the facility manager or a warrant.
  3. 14.13 Probable Cause & Plain View still applies when an officer is entering a facility for hot pursuit or entering the public area of a private facility.

This includes multiple rooms where a suspect could reasonably have ran to, such as several apartments within an apartment complex.

(14)13. Probable Cause & Plain View Policy

  1. Peace officers have the power to seize and record evidence upon any event that is in their plain view so long as they have a legal reason to be where they’re located at the time.
  2. A person who gives a government employee permission to view or access a facility, equipment or other areas is permitting an officer to view a facility for probable cause or plain view evidence.
  3. Probable Cause does not have a specific definition, but refers to the ongoing premise that an officer’s “gut feeling” supported by plain view evidence (such as the smell of marijuana or other items) that would imply a probable situation of criminality and authorize a search based on that evidence. Probable Cause can be circumstantially contested in a court of law.

Plain View applies even when an officer is in hot pursuit and enters, for example, an apartment complex and sees a clear criminal act in progress while chasing someone. They can call in other units to seize and handle that situation too.

(14)14. Arrest Policy

  1. In order to arrest a person and charge them with a specific penal code violation all of the following must be true:
  2. The officer must have evidence that indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that a person has committed a misdemeanor or felony listed in this penal code.
  3. Once a person has been arrested they must be informed of the following by a peace officer no later than upon arriving at the booking desk at a police station:
  4. Reason for arrest to include penal code section.
  5. Evidence used to establish “beyond a reasonable doubt”
  6. Provide an opportunity to refute this evidence and provide his or her own counter evidence.
  7. The officer shall consider this evidence before starting incarceration and release the person if the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard is no longer met.
  8. Length of sentence
  9. Officer identification (name and badge/unit number) of the officer providing the information and who determined that an arrest should be made.
  10. As soon as the requirements above are met the peace officer shall start the person's sentence.
  11. A peace officer who violates this section is in violation of penal code (4)16.
  12. This section does not require the officer who established the cause for arrest to be the officer who arrests the suspect and informs the suspect of the charges.
  13. The officer who establishes the reason for arrest required in element 1 shall keep all records regarding the arrest and cause for 72 hours.
  14. An officer who arrests and provides the information required in element 2 shall keep all records regarding the charges, time of arrest, and length of sentence for 72 hours.

(14)15. Official emergency personnel duties

  1. Certified law enforcement officers and certified medical agents, in the pursuit of their official duties, may, if necessary, be exempted from abiding by title 8 of this code.
    1. This shall be done in a safe and prudent manner with regard to public, officer and agent safety.

(14)16. Notice To Public Of Code Change

Notice of changes to the state law shall be given to the citizens before they go into effect. Notification will be given in the DoJ or LAPD discords. Code changes take effect 2 (two) calendar days after the notice at 00:00 midnight central time.

(14)17. An act to prohibit concealing your identity in public

Any person who conceals more than 10% of their face without reasonable cause is guilty under this code section.

Reasonable cause defined: When there is snowfall or the individual is under the advice of a medical professional lasting no more than 7 days.

Note: This is a federal code section and is considered an extraditable offense.

(14)17 Protecting the public act.

1.LAPD personnel of rank Sergeant or higher may carry their duty weapon off duty concealed or open carry.

  1. Any person applying for a concealed carry weapons permit shall be a permanent resident of our state to qualify.

Title 15.State Code Violations

(15)01. Racketeering

  1. The affiliation or association of an individual with a criminal organization, as prescribed by local or national law enforcement entities, with the evidence of the individual's attempt to commit extortion, bribery, murder, or other criminal activities while affiliated with said criminal organization is guilty under this penal code.
  2. A arrest warrant issued per (14)14. must be issued to arrest a person for this offense.

(15)02. Laundering Of Money Instruments

  1. A person who possesses, hides, transfers, receives, or maintains the storage of funds earned through comprehensive criminal activities is guilty under this code.
  2. A person who intends to transfer, hide, cycle, or deceive funds collected through comprehensive criminal activities is guilty under this code.
  3. A person who maintains an establishment with a purpose to launder funds collected through comprehensive criminal activities is guilty under this code.
  4. An arrest warrant issued per (12)14. must be issued to arrest a person for this offense.

(15)03. Wiretapping Violation

  1. A person who illegally conducts surveillance or wiretapping in violation of the two-party notification system without a warrant or authorization is guilty under this code. Exemption for law enforcement.

Two-party notification means that both parties being recorded visually or audibly are aware of that they are being recorded and consents to it.

(15)04. Interference with a Transit System

  1. For the purpose of this section a transit system is any bus, train, subway, light rail, boat, helicopter, or plane operated for the purpose of transporting the general public along a predefined route.
  2. A person shall not do any of the following with respect to the property, facilities, or vehicles of a transit system:
  3. Operate, interfere with, enter into, or climb on or in, the property, facilities, or vehicles owned or operated by the transit system without the permission or approval of the transit system.
  4. Interfere with the operator or operation of a transit vehicle, or impede the safe boarding or alighting of passengers.
  5. Extend any portion of the body through a window opening of a transit vehicle in a manner that may cause harm or injury.
  6. Throw an object from a transit vehicle.
  7. Commit an act or engage in a behavior that may, with reasonable foreseeability, cause harm or injury to any person or property.
  8. Violate a notice, prohibition, instruction, or direction on a sign that is intended to provide for the safety and security of transit passengers, or the safe and secure operation of the transit system.
  9. Knowingly give false information to a system employee, or contracted security officer, engaged in the enforcement of a system ordinance or a state law, or otherwise obstruct the issuance of a citation for the violation of a system ordinance or a state law.
  10. Violate any of the conditions established by a transit system ordinance under which a passenger may board a transit vehicle with a bicycle and where that bicycle may be stowed on the transit vehicle.

This code may be “stacked” with other penal codes violations as appropriate.

(15)05. Corruption

A person who acts in a manner that is improper, unlawful or immoral and is intended to secure a benefit for oneself or another is guilty under this code section.

(15)06. Verbal Harassment

A person who uses profanity, loud or boisterous remarks, inappropriate speech, inappropriate body movements or comments that could be interpreted by the hearer as being derogatory in nature is guilty under this code section.

(15)07. Aiding and Abetting

A person who aids another in committing a crime or withholds information about them from authorities is guilty under this code section.

Title 16.Correctional Services

((OOC Note: The intent of this Title is to create an alternative punishment system for felonies for use when correctional services members are online. This is to enhance roleplay while ensuring a fair ability of all members to be able to interact with all departments. Admin may waive elements of this title in a real time basis to meet the needs of the community (such as during a recorded patrol).))

(16)01. Correctional Services

  1. Correctional services shall be responsible for the incarceration, rehabilitation, and release of all persons who have been convicted of a felony.
  2. Correctional services is responsible for the operation of Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
  3. Correctional services has the authority to release a prisoner prior to a full sentence being served based on actions while in custody of correctional services.
  4. Correctional services has the authority to extend a prisoner’s sentence based on actions while in custody of correctional services.
  5. Correctional Services shall maintain a list of such offenses and the required time extensions.

(16)02. Determination of Prison Mode - This is an OOC section

  1. The intent of this section is to create a metric that can be used to balance the following 3 needs of the department
  • The need for correctional services to have prisoner’s to RP with;
  • The need for non correctional services LEOs to have civilians to interact with; and
  • The need for civilians to have a fair and balanced punishment system.
  1. When correctional services is active the following 2 pieces of information shall be determined on a regular basis:
  • The number of active correctional services personnel working at the prison
  • Members who are transporting prisoners are considered to be working at the prison.
  • The ratio of LEO members + Fire members to Civilians
  • Mathematically this is (LEO + Fire) / Civilians
  • For example if there are 5 total LEOs, 5 Fire, and 5 Civs the calculation is (5+5)/5 or 2.
  • This is referred to as a civ ratio below.
  1. Based on the information determined in element 2 correctional services will operation in one of the following modes:
  • Mode 1: Active correctional services members under 3 and civ ratio is over 3.
  • Mode 2: Active correctional services members at or over 3 or civ ratio is at or under 3.
  • Mode 3: Active correctional services member at or over 3 and civ ratio is at or under 3.))

(16)03. Modification of Punishments - This is an OOC section

  1. The Intent of this section is to modify felony punishments to increase the time a prisoner is under the care of correctional services when there is either a large number of civs vs non civs in game and/or when there is a large number of correctional services members active.
  2. Correctional services shall use the modification table below when determining the punishment to apply to a civilian who is brought to the prison after being convicted of a felony.

Example: A prisoner convicted of murder would serve the following sentences based on the prison mode:

Mode 1: 600 months (10 minutes)

Mode 2: 1200 months (20 minutes)

Mode 3: 1800 months (30 minutes)

3. Transport time is not considered in determining if a sentence has been served unless all of the following is true:

  1. The prison is operating in mode 1 or mode 2
  2. Transport time takes over 5 minutes
  3. Transport time starts at the point where a radio request for transport is made and ends when the prisoner reaches the prison
  4. For cases where correctional services is transporting transport time starts when the prisoner leaves the police station.
  5. When both of the above is true the following time counts as part of the assigned sentence
  6. When the prison is in mode 1: Transport time in excess of 5 minutes
  7. When the prison is in mode 2: Transport time in excess of 10 minutes))

Title 17. Fish and Game

(17)00. Applicability

  1. This section applies to the hunting, capturing, baiting, or luring of any or all animals except small rodents.
  2. Only certified fish and game wardens may enforce codes under this title.
  • ((Members and only members of Wildlife Troopers and Wildlife Deputies are fish and game wardens.))

(17)01. Prohibition on Hunting

  1. No person may hunt, capture, bait, lure, or attempt to hunt, capture, bait, or lure any of the following animals:
  2. Domesticated Animals
  3. Exemption applies when capturing a feral animal that has become a nuisance or hazard. Once captured, the animal must be transported to a animal care facility for treatment and/or euthanization by licensed personnel.
  4. Farm Animals
  5. Exemption applies to farmers or farmhands, who may humanely euthanize livestock within the confines of their own property.
  6. The following aquatic animals;
  7. Dolphins
  8. Whales
  9. Sharks
  10. Stingrays
  11. Birds of Prey
  12. Cormorant
  13. A person who kills or injures an animal listed above for the purpose of self defense or under the direction of a fish and game warden may not be charged under this section

(17)02. Hunting Permits

  1. No person may hunt, capture, bait, lure, or attempt to hunt, capture, bait, or lure any of the following animals without a permit from the fish and game service:
  2. Boar
  3. Coyote
  4. Crow
  5. Deer
  6. Fish
  7. Mountain Lion
  8. Pigeon
  9. Rabbit
  10. The fish and game service may impose limits and requirements that must be met in order to issue a permit.
  11. The fish and game service may issue a permit for one type of animal or multiple types of animals.
  12. A person who hunts, captures, baits, lures, or attempts to hunt, capture, bait, or lure any of the listed animals is guilty under this penal code.
  13. A person must display her or his permit to a fish and game warden upon request.
  14. A person who violates any penal code in this title may have his or her permits revoked at the discretion of the fish and game service.

(17)03. Daily Limits and Possession Limits

  • No person may kill or attempt to kill an animal in excess of the limits listed below
  • Boar
    • No Limit
  • Cayote
    • No Limit
  • Crow
    • 24 Per Day, 48 Total In Poession
  • Deer
    • Buck: One (1) Per Tag, One (1) Per Day, Three (3) Per Season
    • Doe: One (1) Per Tag, One (1) Per Day, Two (2) Per Season
  • Fish
    • Size Requirement: Minimum height of 1”
    • Recreational: 50 clams
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • Crappie & Sunfish
    • Size Requirement: Minimum length of 10”
    • Recreational: 25
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • Black Bass
    • Size Requirement: Minimum length of 12”
    • Recreational: 5
    • Commercial: 300 Pounds
  • White Bass
    • Size Requirement: None
    • Recreational: No Limit (3 total if length is >17”)
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • Striped Bass
    • Size Requirement: 28” - 43” in length
    • Recreational: 2
    • Commercial: 15
  • Perch
    • Size Requirement: None
    • Recreational: 45
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • White Sturgeon
    • Size Requirement: 40” - 60” in Length
    • Recreational: 1
    • Commercial: Prohibited
  • Halibut
    • Size Requirement: Minimum length of 22”
    • Recreational: 3
    • Commercial: Prohibited
  • Salmon
    • Size Requirement: None
    • Recreational: 5
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • Tilapia
    • Size Requirement: None
    • Recreational: No Limit
    • Commercial: No Limit
  • Mountain Lion
    • 1 Per Permit / Tag Issued
  • Pigeon
    • 2 per day, 6 total in possession
  • Rabbit
    • 10 per day, 30 total in possession

(17)04. Overbag

  1. Any person who illegally takes or possesses in the field more than three times the daily bag limit, or who illegally possesses more than three times the legal possession limit is guilty under this penal code.

(17)05. Hunting Hours

  1. No person may hunt, capture, bait, lure, or attempt to hunt, capture, bait, or lure any animals between the hours of sunset and sunrise.

(17)06. Hunting Methods

  1. Pistols do not adhere to this penal code subsection when carried legally by a person that possesses a permit for concealed carry in the State of Sanctum.
  2. No person may discharge a firearm from a marine vessel, motor vehicle, or aircraft.
  3. No person may hunt with firearms that do not meet the following firearm or weapon types;
  4. Muzzleloading or Centerfire Rifle (e.g. musket, marksman rifle) that fire as semi-automatic
  5. Shotguns that fire as semi-automatic
  6. Pistols or revolvers that fire as semi-automatic
  7. No person may use explosive or incendiary devices or ammunition for hunting.
  8. No person may use melee weapons (e.g. bats, knives, axes, and so forth) for hunting.
  9. No person may hunt for aquatic species in manners other than with the use of rod and reel, a spear, or a net unless licensed for commercial fishing by the State of Sanctum.
  10. Those who hold a commercial fishing license are limited to the use nets or cages that comply to the following standards;
  11. Made of a biodegradable material so that in the event of its disconnection from the fishing vessel, it will not cause long-term, adverse effects to marine life and public health.
  • Violations of Penal Code (17)06 is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, seizure of hunting equipment, and/or seizure of hunted fish and game at the discretion of wildlife conservation deputies.

(17)07. Hunting Under the Influence

  1. No person may hunt, capture, bait, lure, or attempt to hunt, capture, bait, or lure any animals while intoxicated.

(17)08. Poaching

A person who illegally takes, possesses, imports, exports, sells, purchases, barters, trades, or exchanges an animal, or part of any of those animals, for profit or personal gain, is guilty under this penal code.

(17)09. Use of Animals

  1. No person shall at any time capture or destroy any deer and detach or remove from the carcass only the head, hide, antlers, or horns; nor shall any person at any time leave through carelessness or neglect any game mammal or game bird which is in his possession, or any portion of the flesh thereof usually eaten by humans, to go needlessly to waste.

(17)10. Authorized Hunting and Fishing Areas

  1. No person may hunt within any of the following areas as zoned or designated by the State of Sanctum or Blaine County;
  2. Commercial Property
  3. Residential Property
  4. National Parks (e.g. Grand Senora Desert)
  5. Nature Preserves
  6. Other protected wilderness areas.
  7. Additionally, no person may hunt within the following conditions;
  8. Within 150 yards of any dwelling
  9. On or over any roadway recognised by the State of Sanctum Department of Transportation, regardless of type (e.g. dirt, paved).

(17)11. Commercial Fishing

  1. No person may operate a sea vessel with the intent to fish (as defined in Title 17 of the Sanctum Legal Code and the associated subsections) without adhering to the following restrictions and regulations;
  2. The captain of the vessel possesses a valid commercial fishing license.
  3. Validity of the license is subject to scrutinization by certified fish and game wardens as defined in 17(00). Applicability).
  4. The vessel used is registered as Commercial / For-Profit with the State of Sanctum.
  5. The means of fishing must comply with the standards and regulations set forth Penal Code 17(06). Hunting Methods.
  6. The amount of caught fish is within the limits set forth by (17)03. Daily Limits & Possession Limits

(17)12. Conservation of Natural Resources

  1. Mining of minerals and/or ores, logging of trees, and/or other forms of gathering, within the confines of state and/or federally owned land, shall be regulated by the Sanctum Department of Natural Resources through licensing and permitting.
  2. Any person actively mining, logging, or gathering natural resources, within the confines of state and/or federally owned land, is responsible to hold the proper licensing and/or permits for such activities if done on a scale larger than that for recreational purposes.
  3. Persons found to be mining, logging, or gathering natural resources within the confines of state and/or federally owned land outside of the confines of the allowed terms of their issued licensing and/or permits are in violation of this code.
  4. Persons found to be mining, logging, and/or gathering natural resources, within the confines of state and/or federally owned land, outside of the recreational scope and without the necessary licensing and/or permits are in violation of this code.
  5. Exemptions
  6. Small scale digging, tree-trimming, tree-chopping, harvesting of plants, berries, etc. and other gathering / usage of natural resources, within the confines of state and/or federally owned land, for recreational usage is permitted.

Title 18. Operation of the Fire Code

  • No vehicle may be left with its driver either inside or outside of the vehicle while within any of the following conditions:
  • Blocking Fire Apparatus.
  • Blocking access to or from a Fire Station.
  • Blocking Fire Apparatus Bays.
  • Blocking a Fire Hydrant (Within 15 Feet/4.5 Metres).
  • Blocking a Fire Lane.
  • Any person who is sitting within their vehicle while parked, refuses to move their vehicle after request of a Investigator, or the vehicle is unoccupied, is guilty of the above infraction and subject to the following:
  • While not on an active Fire Scene:
  • A $117 fine at the discretion of the Investigator.
  • A vehicle impoundment, after a ticket has been issued, and at the discretion of the Investigator.
  • While on an active Fire Scene:
  • A $234 fine at the discretion of the Investigator.
  • A vehicle impoundment, after a ticket has been issued, and at the discretion of the Investigator.

(18)02. Unattended Fires in State or Federal Land

  1. No person shall leave a fire, showing flame or smoldering, unattended and unextinguished, whereas said fire presents a risk of ignition of forest, timber, or other inflammable materials within the vicinity.
  • Violations of Penal Code (18)02 are an misdemeanor punishable by 30 months imprisonment and/or a fine of $1,000.

(18)03. Wildfire Resulting Due To Negligence

  1. Any person who leaves a fire, showing flame or smoldering, unattended and unextinguished, that leads to uncontrolled burning of forest, timber, or other inflammable materials, within the confines of state or federally owned land is punishable under this code.
  • Violations of Penal Code (18)03 are an felony punishable by 100 months imprisonment and/or a fine of $10,000.

Title 19. Amendments & Additions

  • At the pleasure of the State Legislature, amendments, additions, and revisions to this penal code may be made at any time with respect to the due process of the legislative process of those authorities.
  • The Chief Justice may also review the Penal Code and make proposed changes to ensure its effectiveness and appropriate language for legal interpretation.
  • General policy and procedure changes will be made in Title 14. Code Policy. All other changes shall be made within relevant Titles.
  • At least seven days shall be given between the release of an updated Penal Code revision and its implementation.
  • All changes to this code shall be dated and acknowledged in Title 17. Amendments & Additions

(19)01. Defined: Attorney licensing requirements

  1. All Attorneys in the state of Sanctum shall undergo an examination; passing with a 90% or higher score to be satisfactory to the State Bar Association.
  2. Attorneys must be associated with a firm or receive an exception from the court.
  3. No person who does not possess this certificate issued by the State Bar Association shall represent themselves or another party in a court of law.
  4. The State Bar Association reserves the right to at any time revoke or suspend licenses.

Change Log

Date; law affected; change details

  • 07/10/2024; All; Initialized;
  • 01/03/2025; All; Titles Adjusted, Formatting Changed, New Info Tooltips instead of Notes